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Racine County's Civil War Dead

Transcribed from the Racine County Militant, an illustrated narrative

of War Times, and a Soldier's Roster - a Pioneer Publication written by

Eugene Walter Leach, undertaken in the interest of patriotic americans

in Racine County, Wisconsin.



"All that a man hath will he give for his life," said the Devil, when

he sought an opportunity to tempt that most patient man, Job. As a

general statement the saying was false then, and is not true today. It

has been a lie always. There has never been a time when there were not

men and women in every community of every country, who were ready to

hazard their lives, and give them up if necessary, for something they

held more dear. When Satan's estimate is true of a man, that man's

life is not worth saving.

The following lists contain the names of all Racine county men in the

Union armies who lost their lives in the Civil War. It is unprofitable

and ungrateful to inquire into or question personal motives or animus;

it is enough to know that they made the sacrifice, and it is now the

duty of the people of this county to see to it that the memory of their

martyrdom be not allowed to grow dim. The names of these men, and the

story of their heroism should be made familiar to every school boy and

girl in the county, as a matter of right to the school children, as

well as of justice to the memory of the soldier.



Addison, Peter

Anderson, John

Bennett, Patrick

Benson, Henry E.

Birkel, Nicolaus

Black, John

Braithwait, Charles B

Callaghan, Dennis

Campbell, William H

Chaloupka, George W

Christy, Hans P

Christy, John T

Cole, Frank D

Coon, Ralph M

Crawford, Nathan

Davis, Edward L

Dickinson, George V

Dross, Louis

Drought, John W

Evans, Andrew E

Field, Charles A

Filer, Charles

Finkleson, Knudt

Flint, David

Foreman, John B, Sr

Gould, Schuyler D

Gregory, Walter

Hancock, James Wesley

Hansen, Gunder E

Hanson, Theodore

Hanson, Hans

Heg, Hans C

Held, John

Hill, Daniel

Hinds, James J

Ingersoll, James N

Jensen, Niels

Jensen, Rasmus

Kassner, Louis

Koerner, Carl

Lamberton, William H

Leidy, John B

Lincoln, George B

Madama, William

Mann, Joseph M

Martin, George

Mathiasen, Mathias

McCanlass, William

McDermott, Michael

Meigs, Nathaniel

Nelson, Frederick

Ord, Christopher L

Osmundsen, Bernt C

Pfau, Andreas

Rangott, Arthur O

Reed, James L

Rinke, Anton

Roberts, Richard G

Rogan, James H

Ryan, John W

Schleuter, Henry

Schoenhauser, Abram

Schultz, August

Seaman, Samuel

Simonson, John

Sly, Henry

Small, Adam

Smith, Douglas C

Stein, Carl Friedrich

Stickney, Elrick B

Sutton, Edward

Tessin, Frederick

Thiele, Friedrich

Warver, Franz Joseph

Weber, Anton

Weber, Peter

Winborn, John

Wormington, Henry

Wright, Joseph D.H.

Yates, John

Yout, George W

Zbitowsky, Joseph



Airey, Nehemiah

Deiss, John

Fessenden, Charles H

Goodwin, Thomas

Loutz, Louis

Maloney, Thomas

March, Homer

Massey, John

Morgan, John D

Nickels, Thomas

Phillips, Samuel J

Waterbury, Newell J



Adelfang, Peter

Allen, William J

Anderson, John

Anderson, Samuel Y

Anstol, Frank

Anderson, Lars Christian

Babcock, Charles

Bacon, Charles N

Baker, Richard T

Barchlay, Marcus

Barrett, George

Barrows, Jacob J

Beecher, Philip

Benjamin, Ambrose S

Bolton, James

Bones, James St. Martin

Bradshaw, Calvin W

Britton, Harvey

Brown, James P

Bucholz, William

Burgoyne, Thomas C

Burk, Myron

Butterfield, Albert

Cadwell, Erasmus D

Cadwell, Walter S

Caller, Samuel G

Callery, Hugh

Cameron, William

Cather, William H

Clark, Daniel P

Clark, Hugh

Clark, Jerome E

Coffey, Martin

Collins, Henry

Connell, Henry

Cooper, Catlin

Coote, Henry

Crawford, Henry M

Daniels, Harison

Dean, Charles

DeGaris, Thomas

DeGroat, Charles W

Deven, John

Doolittle, Henry J

Dore, Jacob

Dorning, Samuel

Dyer, William H

Emmonson, Thomas

Emmerson, Ole

Erskine, Freeman W

Evritt, William H

Farrell, James

Flint, Seneca

Fusing, Henry

Gansolus, Abner

Gardner, Winfield L

Gates, George W

George, Theophilus

Gibson, Oscar W

Gilbert, George

Goodrich, Gustavus

Green, Newton S

Hale, Frederick D

Harding, George

Hegner, Ernst

Hueblein, Gustav

Hogan, James

Hood, Walter

Hoover, Eli

Hope, Robert

Horton, Ezra S

Host, August

Howard, Homer D

Huebsman, Frank

Humphrey, John B

Irish, Theodore

Isam, Robert

Iverson, Elling

Jamison, Egbert

Janes, George S

Jennings, Buell

Johnson, Henrick

Jones, Owen R

Jones, Samuel

Jones, William E

Kittinger, Franklin

Klamp, Gottlieb

Kowar, Joseph

Lapp, Charles

Landgraff, Julius

Lapham, Jefferson

Lathrop, William R

Law, Jonathan

Lenfesty, Dennis

Lewis, Charles H

Lundsgaard, Andrew

Lytle, Adam

Macomber, Albert

Madsen, Peter

Maguire, Samuel W

Mallo, Manuel E

Marquardt, John

Martin, William

May, Charles

McClellan, Clement V

McConnell, John

McHugh, James

Mighells, Elmer J

Miller, John G

Morris, David

Murphy, James B

Nielson, Hans

Nielson, Jacob

Nielson, Lars

Nielson, Lars Peter

Nixon, Albert

Nobles, Miles W

Northrup, Ames L

Northway, Clement L

Olds, Oney

Peake, William

Peterson, Ole, Sr

Peterson, Louis

Pierce, Marshall

Phelps, George W

Place, Eugene

Ray, James

Reardon, Patrick

Rennie, Robert J

Roberts, Griffith

Roberts, William A

Roberts, William M

Rollins, Evan

Rouse, Edwin E

Sabine, Irwin

Salverson, Peter

Schafer, Christian

Schlagheck, Henry

Schmitz, Nicholas

Schritzmeyer, John

Shepard, Edwin R

Shuck, Nicholas

Smerchek, Vincenz

Smiley, Jonathan W

Smith, Henry

Smith, Philip

Sorenson, Peter

Spears, Samuel M

Spies, Jacob

Stacks, Moses A

Stebbins, Consider H

Steadman, Homer R

Stewart, Hugh

Sutherland, Charles

Sutton, Aleck

Swenson, Emanuel

Templeton, Louis C

Thomas, Thomas W

Thompson, Edgar

Thompson, James

Thornton, Charles D

Toynton, John

Tuckerman, S Cary

Tupper, Silas W

Van Aernam, Henry

Van Ness, Edward

Van Slyke, Barrett

Verker, Theodore

Wade, George P

Wait, Lewis

Wetteroth, Herman

White, Andrew

White, Oren

Wilds, James

Willett, John

Williams, John D

Williams, Richard, Jr.

Wood, Benjamin S

Wood, William

Woolsey, Francis E

Wyatt, William



Adams, Alexander B

Anderson, James W

Anderson, H

Anderson, Ole

Anderson, Peter, Sr

Avery, Hezekiah

Barrett, Thomas M

Belden, Henry W

Bergeson, Ole

Black, Robert

Blackford, William

Blocksage, William

Bones, James R

Booher, William H

Bowen, John

Bradshaw, George W

Bradshaw, William I

Braithwaite, Charles B

Brazelton, Santry

Brecker, John

Brick, Aaron

Brick, Henry

Brown, Thomas

Bulda, Joseph

Burns, Henry S

Butler, Charles B

Carlin, John

Chipman, Charles S

Cliff, Thomas W

Collins, Henry

Coombs, Gilman M

Coombs, Lorenzo D

Coote, George

Crane, Martin Luther

Crane, Richard M

Cranshaw, James

Crosby, Thomas

Dale, Nicholas H

Davis, John

Decker, Henry

Delematter, Leroy

Dufour, Peter C

Edwards, William

Ellis, Edward

Emmerson, William J

Evanson, Evan

Ewen, Lyman C

Flint, David

Foreman, Henry

Foreman, John B, Sr

Fuller, William

Geery, William W

Geisenheimer, John

George, Theophilus

Gerhaeuser, John L

Geritz, William

Ginty, Henry B

Goca, Michael D

Goodwin, Thomas

Graham, Francis L

Gregory, James

Greeley, Peter

Grieve, Henry

Griffith, John

Harkins, Edward

Hefenbruck, Ludwig

Heilfrecht, William

Henitz, Michael

Henrickson, Torsten

Herms, Joseph J

Hess, Lewis

Heyer, Francis

Hilger, Joseph

Hilton, Peter W

Hoberg, Christopher

Holland, James

Horton, Milton

Hughes, Joseph

Hull, Thomas H.C.

Humphreys, Thomas

Hurlbut, Charles B

Ives, Charles

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Warren

Jordahl, Jacob

Judson, Sheldon E

Kelly Thomas

Kohn, Ludwig

Kruger, William

Kutler, Friedrich

Lacy, Fred N

Lane, Theodore

Lansworth, John J

Lechky, Chauncey

Lersch, Peter

Lind, Christian

Lyons, Thomas

Manderson, Samuel

Martine, Isaac

Mason, Edward

May, Darwin R

McDonough, Patrick

McFarland, William H

McGinnis, John

McNie, Malcolm

Mickulesky, Joseph

Morris, George S

Muhleisen, Wilhelm

Murphy, Dennis

Myers, Peter

Nelson, George

Nobes, Samuel J

North, Cornelius

Olla, Thomas

Oram, Peter B

Osweiler, Nicolaus

Overson, James

Owens, Owen

Parsons, William L

Peck, Bartholomaeus

Peterson, Hans J

Peterson, Jens J J

Phelps, Barton H

Phillips, John

Powell, Robert H

Powles, Henry

Price, William

Pugh, Cadwallader

Putnam, Herbert E

Rasmussen, Niels

Roseman, Carl

Rosenthal, Henry

Rouhen, Charles

Sandon, William

Sawyer, Robert

Schneeberger, Jacob

Schultz, Charles

Simonson, John

Shafer, John

Shaw, James

Skewes, Joseph T

Smerchek, Frank

Stangeland, Peter E

Stender, Christian

St. George, Thomas

Strand, Ole

Sutton, Charles

Taylor, Joseph

Tessin, Frederick

Thaller, John H

Toole, Daniel

Torre, Thomas

Trowbridge, Miles M

Upham, William H

Urban, Frederick

Vorpagel, William

Wackerman, Peter

Weber, Adolph

Weissert, Augustus G

Weldon, Thomas

Wentworth, Sidney T

Westcott, Lowry

Widerker, Peter

Wilson, Samuel E

Winter, William W





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