US Military Personnel from MICHIGAN who died in the Vietnam War, 1957-1991 (including missing & captured declared dead)
Page 329 – source; Combat Area Casualties, Current File, as of October 1991 (electronic record), Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Record Group 330, National Archives Building, Chicago IL
*For persons who died while missing or captured, the date of casualty is the date died or declared dead, not the date declared missing or captured
*BNR indicates that the body has not been recovered
Listed alphabetically by home, state and thereunder by name as follows:
Name/ mil.grd./ military svc/ home city or town/ state/ date of death/ place of death/ date of birth/ type of casualty
GETTY Dennis Alan/ PFC/ Army/ Lapeer/ MI/ 9/6/67/ S.Vietnam/ 6/8/46/
hostile killed
GIBBS Kitchell Snow/ PFC/ Army/ Charlotte/ MI/ 5/18/69/ S.Vietnam/
2/11/48/ non-hos., died-other
GIBSON Bruce Stewart/ Capt/ Army/ Allen Pk/ MI/ 9/11/69/ S.Vietnam/
12/16/46/ hostile killed
GIBSON Keith Edward/ Cpl/ Army/ Grand Rapids/ MI/ 5/27/69/
S.Vietnam/ 8/25/50/ hostile killed
GIBSON Raymond Albert/ PFC/ Army/ Pinconning/ MI/ 10/16/69/
S.Vietnam/ 7/10/49/ hostile killed
GIDDENS LaVon/ Cpl/ Marines/ Detroit/ MI/ 5/6/68/ S.Vietnam/
10/28/47/ hostile killed
GIDDINGS John Patrick/ SP4/ Army/ Cass City/ MI/ 3/26/68/
S.Vietnam/ 7/19/48/ hostile killed
GILBERT Richard Lee/ Sgt/ Army/ Monroe/ MI/ 5/14/68/ S.Vietnam/
8/21/47/ hostile killed
GILBREATH Grant Madison/ PSgt/ Army/ Monroe/ MI/ 4/11/67/
S.Vietnam/ 9/1/31/ hostile killed
GILES Dennis Lee/ SP4/ Army/ Greenville/ MI/ 9/24/68/ S.Vietnam/
9/7/47/ non-hos., died-other
GILIN Gary Joseph/ SP4/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 5/13/68/ S.Vietnam/
1/19/47/ hostile killed
GILLESPIE James Roy/ PFC/ Army/ Battle Creek/ MI/ 1/12/68/
S.Vietnam/ 10/30/47/ hostile killed
GINAL Richard/ LCPL Marines/ Detroit/ MI/ 3/7/68/ S.Vietnam/
12/19/46/ hostile killed
GIPNER Gordon Phillip/ SP4/ Army/ Grand Rapids/ MI/ 2/26/69/
S.Vietnam/ 11/15/48/ hostile killed
GIPSON Clarence Freddie/ SP4/ Army/ Decatur/ MI/ 4/3/67/
S.Vietnam/ 1/16/46/ hostile, died-wounds
GIRARDOT Francis Michael/ Capt/ Army/ Royal Oak/ MI/ 12/16/69/
S.Vietnam/ 10/21/45/ non-hos., died-other
GIUSTA Joseph Michael/ Cpl/ Army/ Westland/ MI/ 6/2/70/
S.Vietnam/ 11/6/51/ hostile killed
GIVENS David Jerry/ PFC/ Army/ Warren/ MI/ 8/31/69/ S.Vietnam/
12/20/48/ hostile killed
GLADNEY Harold Samuel/ Pvt/ Army/ Lansing/ MI/ 3/5/69/
S.Vietnam/ 8/31/49/ non-hos., died-other
GLASCO David Max/ PFC/ Army/ Flint/ MI/ 7/27/69/ S.Vietnam/
10/27/45/ hostile killed
GLEASON Daniel Ward/ PFC/ Army/ Bay City/ MI/ 2/23/69/
S.Vietnam/ 10/22/43/ hostile killed
GLESENKAMP John Carr/ PFC/ Army/ Flint/ MI/ 2/9/68/ S.Vietnam/
5/4/49/ hostile killed
GLIME Donald Eugene/ Sgt/ Army/ Berkley/ MI/ 9/16/68/ S.Vietnam/
4/20/44/ hostile killed
GLOWE Stephen/ LCPL Marines/ Detroit/ MI/ 8/10/69/ S.Vietnam/
10/11/48/ hostile killed
GNIEWEK Kenneth Stanley/ Cpl/ Army/ East Detroit/ MI/ 9/5/70/
S.Vietnam/ 10/16/47/ non-hos., died-other
GOFF Larry Allen/ PFC/ Army/ Grand Haven/ MI/ 12/21/68/
S.Vietnam/ 10/13/49/ hostile killed
GOLEMBIEWSKI Walter Edward/ PFC/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 10/12/68/
S.Vietnam/ 9/28/48/ hostile killed
GOLOMBESKI Walter Billy/ Sgt/ Army/ Flint/ MI/ 7/29/70/ S.Vietnam/
2/11/49/ non-hos., died-other
GOMEZ Evelio Alfred/ PFC/ Army/ Kalamazoo/ MI/ 8/19/70/ S.Vietnam/
10/25/47/ hostile killed
GONZALES Nicholas Valeria/ PFC/ Marines/ Pontiac/ MI/ 12/8/68/
S.Vietnam/ 9/20/48/ hostile killed
GOOCH Jerry Dale/ SP4/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 7/25/67/ S.Vietnam/
12/15/46/ hostile killed
GOOD Larry Dean/ PFC/ Army/ Chesaning/ MI/ 6/5/67/ S.Vietnam/
1/15/47/ hostile, died-missing
GOODALL Earl Wayne/ PFC/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 6/9/66/ S.Vietnam/
12/7/45/ hostile, died-missing
GOODCHILD Raymond Lee/ SP4/ Army/ Fenton/ MI/ 10/31/72/
S.Vietnam/ 10/22/51/ hostile killed
GOODMAN Norman Elan/ SP4/ Army/ Portland/ MI/ 1/14/69/ S.Vietnam/
5/23/48/ hostile, died-wounds
GOOSEN Robert Henry/ SP4/ Army/ Muskegon/ MI/ 3/13/70/ S.Vietnam/
2/13/50/ Hostile, died-wounds
GORAL Gerald Eugene/ Cpl/ Army/ Roseville/ MI/ 4/30/69/ S.Vietnam/
8/19/49/ hostile killed
GORBE Vaun Arlen/ 1Lt/ Army/ Center Line/ MI/ 10/5/70/ S.Vietnam
1/7/47/ non-hos., died-other
GORDON James Lewis/ Cpl/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 8/21/69/ S.Vietnam/
9/6/44/ hostile killed
GORDON Roger Stuart/ Cpl. Army/ Middleville/ MI/ 6/24/69/
S.Vietnam/ hostile killed
GORDON Wayne Victor/ Sgt/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 6/25/67/ S.Vietnam/
8/22/46/ hostile killed
GOSCHKA Larry Herman/ Sgt/ Army/ St Charles/ MI/ 2/12/70/
S.Vietnam/ 11/11/48/ non-hos., died-other
GOSS Hezekiah Jr/ SP5/ Army/ Saginaw/ MI/ 1/15/66/ S.Vietnam/
6/20/30/ hostile killed
GOUGER William David Jr/ SP4/ Army/ Trenton/ MI/ 2/11/69/ S.Vietnam/
5/3/49/ hostile killed
GOULD Carlyle Leroy/ SP4/ Climax/ MI/ 1/9/67/ S.Vietnam/ 8/16/45/
hostile killed
GOULET Ronald David/ Sgt/ Army/ Garden City/ MI/ 1/3/68/ S.Vietnam/
10/2/47/ hostile, died-missing
GRABOSKEY Edward Elliott/ PFC/ Marines/ Paris/ MI/ 10/28/65/
S.Vietnam/ 6/16/43/ hostile killed
GRACHTRUP John Norbert/ HM3/ Navy/ Grand Rapids/ MI/ 12/10/66/
S.Vietnam/ 6/6/46/ hostile killed
GRAHAM David Del/ Sgt/ Army/ Cass City/ MI/ 5/11/68/ S.Vietnam/
8/18/46/ hostile killed
GRAHAM Gordon J/ PFC/ Army/ Yale/ MI/ 10/25/67/ S.Vietnam/
9/21/43/ hostile killed
GRANDAHL Jack William/ SP4/ Army/ Ironwood/ MI/ 2/13/68/
S.Vietnam/ 11/16/47/ hostile killed
GRANT Andrew Carl/ BMC Navy/ Flint/ MI/ 8/6/70/ S.Vietnam/
4/28/31/ non-hos., died-other
GRAY Asa Parker Jr/ Col/ Army/ East Lansing/ MI/ 5/13/69/ S.Vietnam/
6/19/18/ hostile, died-wounds
GRAY Larry Gene/ PFC/ Army/ Milan/ MI/ 1/17/67/ S.Vietnam/ 3/19/45/
non-hos., died-other
GRAY Thomas Edward/ Cpl/ Army/ Temperance/ MI/ 5/11/69/ S.Vietnam/
2/4/49/ hostile, died-wounds
GREEN Geoffrey Emmons/ 1Lt/ Marines/ East Lansing/ MI/ 9/8/65/
S.Vietnam/ 7/10/40/ non-hos., died-other
GREEN, Kenneth Gerald/ SP4/ Army/ Warren/ MI/ 12/3/68/ S.Vietnam/
8/15/47/ hostile killed
GREEN Larry Edward/ Cpl/ Marines/ Mt Morris/ MI/ 3/26/68/ S.Vietnam/
2/10/47/ non-hos., died-other – BNR
GREEN Larry Vernard/ PFC/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 3/18/68/ S.Vietnam/
1/7/49/ hostile killed
GREEN Ralph LaVerne/ SM1/ Navy/ Coldwater/ MI/ 9/18/68/ S.Vietnam/
1/17/35/ hostile killed
GREENE Frederick David/ Sgt/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 7/21/70/ S.Vietnam/
11/1/48/ hostile killed
GREENE Jessie Floyd Jr/ Cpl/ Army/ Highland Pk/ MI/ 10/28/67/
S.Vietnam/ 9/11/47/ hostile killed
GREENHOUSE Ronald Raphael/ SP4/ Army/ Pontiac/ MI/ 11/29/70/
S.Vietnam/ 2/11/48/ non-hos., died-missing
GREENWALD Dennis/ PFC/ Army/ Southfield/ MI/ 11/20/67/ S.Vietnam/
11/23/48/ hostile, died-missing
GREER Frank Michael/ SP4/ Army/ Detroit/ MI/ 1/21/69/ S.Vietnam/
11/19/47/ hostile killed
GREGORY Robert Arthur/ SFC/ Army/ Northville/ MI/ 9/19/68/
S.Vietnam/ 9/30/36/ non-hos., died-other
GREGSON Thomas Robert/ SP4/ Army/ Attica/ MI/ 3/8/69/ S.Vietnam/
11/27/47/ hostile killed
GREILING David Scott/ Cdr/ Navy/ Hillsdale/ MI/ 9/14/73/ N.Vietnam/
3/25/35/ hostile, died-captured – BNR
GREKELA William Eino/ PFC/ Marines/ Flint/ MI/ 5/5/68/ S.Vietnam/
2/14/49/ hostile, died-wounds
GRENNAY William Efren/ PFC/ Army/ Jackson/ MI/ 1/30/68/ S.Vietnam/
3/14/46/ hostile killed
GRESSEL John Vincent/ 1LT/ Army/ Dowagiac/ MI/ 7/29/68/ S.Vietnam/
5/21/46/ hostile killed
GRIEVE Michael A/ Sgt/ Army/ Hazel Park/ MI/ 1/31/68/ S.Vietnam/
7/14/46/ hostile killed
GRIFFIN Charles Farrell/ Capt/ Air Force/ Grand Rapids/ MI/ 12/13/68/
S.Vietnam/ 1/17/40/ hostile, died-missing
GRIFFIN William Donald II/ Sgt/ Army/ Pontiac/ MI/ 12/15/70/
S.Vietnam/ 6/30/47/ hostile killed
GRIGGS Edward Louis III/ PFC/ Army/ Warren/ MI/ 2/23/69/ S.Vietnam/
2/5/49/ hostile killed
GROAT Richard James/ PFC/ Army/ Port Huron/ MI/ 2/29/68/ S.Vietnam/
12/11/46/ hostile killed
GROAT Wayne Douglas/ SP4/ Army/ Port Huron/ MI/ 2/2/69/ S.Vietnam/
7/17/48/ hostile killed
GROF Robert Lester/ Maj/ Army/ Lansing/ MI/ 4/10/71/ S.Vietnam/
7/27/38/ hostile, died-wounds
GRONAU David James/ PFC/ Marines/ Detroit/ MI/ 10/15/67/ S.Vietnam/
2/6/48/ hostile killed
GRONOWSKI Theodore Jr/ PFC/ Marines/ Taylor/ MI/ 7/21/66/
S.Vietnam/ 10/8/46/ hostile killed
GROOM Alan Davis/ Sgt/ Army/ Midland/ MI/ 10/11/69/ S.Vietnam/
8/7/46/ hostile killed
GROOVER John William O/ Sgt/ Army/ Farmington/ MI/ 2/14/66/
S.Vietnam/ 2/21/40/ hostile killed
Graphics by