Surveyed & contributed by: Neva Stout Bryant <nevajb@aol.com>
Copyright 2001, Neva Stout Bryant. This information may be used for personal research
but may NOT be copied to be sold or used in any commercial venture.
(copyright permission received from Neva, 3/18/2002)
Married July 6, 1970 Together Forever
(Lloyd also has a metal flat military marker at the foot of his grave which reads:
SP5 US Army, Vietnam, Jul 18 1948-Jul 14 1993)
(Martha also has a metal Waters Funeral Home marker which reads:
(Floyd also has a metal Waters Funeral Home marker which reads:
(Sallie also has a metal Waters Funeral Home marker which reads:
Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done
June 13, 1935 July 8, 1994
(James also has a metal Waters Funeral Home marker which reads:
Oct. 13, 1938 (no death date)
Metal Flat Military Marker:
Sept. 5, 1902 Oct. 15, 1903
Born Jan. 18 1910 Died Jan. 23 1910
Mar. 27 1921 Feb. 18 1991
